Monday, August 6, 2012

Upcoming Lamp-Revamp DIY

Here's my lamp.

Make that TWO lamps.

Ugly lamps. Lamps that my husband and I inherited from family when we moved into our first place together. They work. They're in pretty good shape. But they in absolutely no way have anything nice to say to me. They scream for attention. So my DIY for this upcoming weekend involves these lamps. They will no longer be maroon, gold, and white.

I'm thinking blue or mirror spray paint and jute twine.

I can't wait!


  1. How fun, I can't wait to see what you do with them. Sounds like a great solution. When you get them done be sure to link them to my Inspire Me party Monday evening. Hugs, Marty

  2. Looking forward to see how you transform them! Jute twine sounds great ;)

  3. Oooh, I can't wait either, sounds interesting! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my basement craft studio reveal! :o)


  4. Hi Corinna, thanks so much for leaving me a sweet comment on my blog Little Brags (the Playroom post with the DIY Chalk Board Frames)I tried to reply to your comment directly but you came up as a non reply blogger (Google glitch). Christine from
